In compliance with the DCPM of 20 March 2020 and in order to counter the spread of the virus, in the protection of all people, DAB Pumps stops the production of all Italian plants until April, the 3rd
Although is certain that DAB can be inserted in the product chain of water treatment, sewerage and hydraulic systems – all activities authorized in Annex 1 of the Decree of 22 March – we nevertheless decided to strictly respond to the same Decree, embracing its main principle of containment of the contagion on the national territory, above all to take care the safety of all the staff.
However, to ensure maximum service continuity, DAB maintains production activities in foreign factories; undertakes to process orders, to keep active the customer service and the administration offices.
This, first of all, in respect of our collaborators, partners and customers but also to send everyone a message of hope: DAB stays closed but is still present and active.